Friday, February 28, 2020


NURSING THE PERSON WITH AN ACUTE PYSIOLOGICAL DISTURBANCE. PART A- IDENTIFY WITH REASON, THOSE GROUPS OF PEOPLE WHO ARE PREDISPOSED TO DEVELOPING DEEP VEIN THRO - Essay Example 05), elderly individuals, obesity, prior history of DVT, venous stasis, local compression on the veins, and acute factors like severe dehydration (Guirguis, 2000). DVT also can occur from iatrogenic injury of the femoral veins (Wood, 2000; Joynt, 2000), malignancy (pancreas, lung, ovary, testes, urinary tract, breast and stomach), after major surgery (orthopedic, thoracic, abdominal and genitourinary procedures), following trauma (fractures of spine, pelvis, femur, tibia and spinal cord), burns, pregnancy and the postpartum period, estrogen use, hypercoagulable states (deficiencies of protein C, protein S, fibrinogen, factor V, factor VIII, factor IX, factor XI, prothrombin, and antiphospholipid antibodies), venulitis (thromboangitis obliterans, Behcets disease, and homocystinuria) (Creager & Dzau, 1998), end-stage renal disease and congestive cardiac failure (Casserly, 2000). Thrombogenesis is a finely balanced process between coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways. The interaction between plasminogen activators (e.g. tissue plasminogen activator) and inhibitors that modulate this activity (e.g. plasminogen activator inhibitor, PAI-1) influences the fibrinolytic system. Plasma fibrinogen determines plasma viscosity, blood flow, affects platelet aggregation, blood viscosity, interacts with plasminogen binding and along with thrombi, mediates the final steps in clot formation. The levels of fibrinogen associates directly with age, obesity, smoking, diabetes and LDL-C and inversely with HDL-C, alcohol use, physical activity and exercise level. Increased fibrinogen is also associated with many different forms of vascular and inflammatory disease. Impaired fibrinolysis, as demonstrated by the elevated levels of plasminogen activator, is seen in obese patients, and explains the increased risk of thrombosis and other vascular disease in the obese (Chung & Lip, 2004). Virchow’s classical triad of factors that lead to the development of thrombosis (thrombogenesis)

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Current Events in Macroeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Current Events in Macroeconomics - Essay Example They are especially critical of many levels of government intervention, including the proposed guest worker program. The two concur in many areas, including the fact that despite the illegality of this immigration, it benefits the economic status we enjoy by having the illegal immigrants take positions which are those others would not take in service industries like housekeeping and landscaping and other such jobs. The two also state that there are many pluses, including the fact that taxes are often paid by these illegal immigrants. The negatives, unfortunately, are also easily seen, including the use of public education, fire and police protection, and all forms of government assistance including Medicaid, Food Stamps and other such assistance. The overall concept for this article is encompassing human factors, how humanity affects the economy. In this particular case, how the migration and immigration of people affects a particular economy in both good and bad ways. This is subjec t to a great deal of debate as to whether or not such immigration would be of benefit and whether the attempts to change the idea would be of any economic merit. In the Economy section David Wessel writes in A Tricky Move for the Fed, Wall Street Journal June 24, 2006 issue, that the decision to change the interest rate up or down is a tricky proposition in current economic times. The reason for this is that finding an appropriate level of balance is equally as tricky as regaining it once balance has been lost. In the case of current economic standings with inflation on the rise and a slowing economy it's a question of which fire would be the most urgent one to fight. Raising rates could slow the economy and cause a recession, something they don't want; lowering it too much might cause inflation to raise exponentially, also not something favorable in the eyes of economists. Consideration in either case causes concern in the employment factor, the consumer factor is also at issue and then we must also consider how they interact within the economy. Mark Whitehouse reveals, in the piece done in the June 26, 2006 Wall Street Journal titled A Housing Slowdown Can Put the Brakes on a Job Sector but Open Other Opportunities, that the housing boom which our country has been enjoying may be coming to an end and this end makes the appearance of a bad thing. In actuality, the revelations found within this potentially devastating slowdown, could in fact bring about benefits at first unseen. "From a macroeconomic perspective, the housing slowdown, and the attendant slowing of job growth, could be just what the economy needs."1 In essence, the fact that houses are not selling as swiftly as they can be built or as swiftly as someone needs to be transferred may actually prove beneficial in other areas of the economic landscape. This change can further cause a rise in movement elsewhere within the macroeconomic landscape, continuing the cycle that will bring economic relief. Isabelle Lindenmayer writes about the state of the US dollar in her article Dollar is to Enter an Unsteady Week Ahead of Fed Move. As in most cases, the dollar will have its good days and bad days on the market in regard to value, and on occasion, the Fed can influence those good and bad days. In an analysis of expert opinions, two factors,